5 Deer Scouting Tips for a More Successful Hunting Season
Doing some scouting before deer season kicks off? Here are some tips that will simplify your scouting efforts for deer hunting . Plus, discover a game-changing strategy for keeping track of the spots you’ve found and saving your treestand locations. Have a look: 1. Look for the Place Where the Trails Meet. When searching for a spot to hang your treestand, always look for where the natural confluence of game trails. This can multiply your chances of deer passing through on their way to feed or bedding. 2. Look for Natural Food Sources Do you know the favorite fall food of the deer? Well the answer is, Acron. Somewhere, if you find isolated patches of oaks that are actively dropping acorns, these are excellent spots to set up. Use your binoculars to take a close look at the canopy to see if the trees are loaded up with acorns or if they are bare. Other than Acron, Persimmons or beechnuts are the favorite food of deer. Consider yourself luck...