Hunting Regulations – Terminology
There is no catch and release in the hunting world so there are laws and hunting regulations implemented to regulate harvest and increase hunter safety. Disregard for these rules & laws can lead to worse hunting conditions. FarWide App helps you stay within the law. Have a look:

The start and end of the legal shooting time for your specific season. Shooting hours are described in relation to sunrise and sunset. Official sunrise and sunset change throughout hunting season and can be found in state published lists. It is up to each hunter to use these times to figure out shooting hours daily, not just estimate based on the location of the sun.
Public Land
Public land is often referenced in hunting regulations. However, it does not always mean fishing, hunting, or even access is openly permitted. It is important to check regulations on every piece of public land you find, some require specific permits or special licenses, others are only open during certain times of the year.
Understanding the hunting laws & regulations perfectly will make your hunt easier. Check out this post to know about the hunting regulations in detail "Hunting Rules & Regulations: Everything You Need to Know".
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