Late Season Deer Hunting Can Get Your Trophy

In all probability, you are tired and on the edge with the last Deer Tags still lying in the bag. Think of the good parts of late season Deer Hunting. You are now aware of how deer hunts in unfavorable conditions can go wrong. You know what moves can spook your deer off and which hunting strategies can work.

Hunting Whitetails In Extreme Cold Weather | Grand View Outdoors

Don’t give up yet. Contrary to popular belief, you may still get that elusive big buck you were after since the start of the rut. Your last day in frosty wilds can also bring in good luck. 

Here are some pro points to remember as you go hunting in the late-winter deer season. 

Late Season Deer Hunting - Things to Remember 

1. Kill Pots for the Late Season

Corn, wheat, standing beans and brassicas are good late-season planting options for kill plots. Plant them in whichever area you can. Once the kill plots are ready, get into them at early dusk and sit tight. The movement should start with the big bucks coming towards you once its dark. Trace the travel routes to their bedding areas and food sources. There’s a high possibility of finding the boys moving around in these areas. They may be watching out for stray late-rut estrous females.

2. Switch to a Muzzleloader

Your stint with the bow and arrow may have to end now. The deer on the roll are more educated and skittish after long weeks of being on the run. You need a longer range to get your shot at a wounded, much-chased or tired deer. Try changing your archery kit for a muzzleloader during late-season deer hunts. Get as close as possible to a food plot or the edge of food sources. Try not to spook the deer during its afternoon feed times. You may want to try out various loads to understand the way your smoke poles would fire. 200 yards is the approximate limit of the shooter and ballistic performance for modern muzzleloaders – take a good call. 

3. Avoid Rushing In

Are you planning deer hunts in heavily-pressured public lands or private properties? Big buck slayers miss natural covers in the late deer hunting season.  The leaves are pressed and lye low. Crops are no longer standing and leaves have fallen off. The deer you’re tracking has now moved to the remaining thick bedding covers. These covers are easy to find in comparison to the early parts of the season. However, do not rush in as most over-enthusiastic novices would. Be patient. Try to spend at least a full day in your spotting stand. Use your scope or binoculars to gauge how the buck moves into the leftover food sources. Find the trees your target crosses on its way in. Fire the first strike with sound intelligence – that’s when you can get success, or not. 

Late-season Hunting Tactics 

Early-mornings or late-evenings are the best time to find your way into a buck's bedding area. “Avoid human pressure under all circumstances,” state the experts at Reach out to them to know more about late-season deer hunting tactics and enjoy more successful drives. 

Do know that success rates in Game Hunting are dependent on a wide range of factors and skills. Reach out to professionals in the field to make the most of your hunting trip, right away. Log in to to remain updated about what’s going on in the world of hunting, fishing and outdoor news.


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