Guide to Duck Hunting in US

 A large majority of waterfowl hunters are not skilled, nor do they make a living out of shooting down ducks of different species. According to the more knowledgeable duck shooters, it helps to understand the basic principles of duck hunting.

Remember that there’s no quick fix to becoming a better duck hunter. Even today, ducks are thriving as they know how to avoid predators — especially sportsmen and hunters. The challenges posed by their dodging skills makes this genre of hunting very rewarding. 

Duck Season

Knowing how different species of ducks behave or look can help you add only the ones you want to your legal count or daily haul. The wing span, size, structure, mating habits, calls and favorite hangout places of various species of ducks set them apart. For instance, in Northern US, ducks are generally categorized into four groups:

  • Puddle ducks or dabbling ducks
  • Whistling ducks or tree ducks
  • Sea ducks
  • Diving ducks

These ducks are confined to specific geographical regions. It’s important to ascertain their flying behavior to plan your shoots. Practice will make you perfect! Check out this post to make your duck season successful this year Duck Hunting Season: Everything You Need to Know“.


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